Vello Pettai during his IOCM lecture

IOCM Lecture Series

An overview of upcoming and past lectures in the IOCM Lecture Series in Jena
Vello Pettai during his IOCM lecture
Image: Rebecca Bück

Past Events in the IOCM Lecture Series

Issue Lecturer Date
Humanitarians and the Climate Emergency Dr. Hugo Slim (Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford) May 2023
Humanitarian Response in Armed Conflict: The Importance of Local Actors and the Case of Ukraine Fionnuala Flynn (Humanitarian Advocacy Officer at Caritas Europe) July 2022
Straighter, Smarter, Stronger? Crisis Management and German Foreign Policy after Afghanistan (IOCM Inauguration) Dr. Thomas Bagger (Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Polen) December 2021
International Organizations and the Management of Minority Conflicts Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai (European Centre for Minority Issues) November 2021
The Future of European Crisis Management Missions after COVID Tobias Pietz (Deputy Head of Analysis at ZIF (Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze / Center for International Peace Operations) May 2021
The United Nation's Sanction Regime and the War in Yemen Wolf-Christian Paes (United Nations Panel of Experts on Yemen) January 2021
Key Crises on the Internet: Power and Law, Players and Layers Dr. Matthias Kettemann (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Leibniz Institute for Media Research) Dezember 2020