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Call for Participants at the Corridors Summer School!

Call for Participants for the Corridors' Summer School at Neudietendorf from the 22nd to the 27th of August 2021
Person working on a computer
Image: Glenn Carstens-Peters


Strengthening Peace Education Capacities in the Caucasus

22 – 27 August 2021 in Neudietendorf (Germany)

Conflicts are commonplace in the coexisting of individuals, groups, societies, and countries. The challenge we often face is to resolve these disputes peacefully and constructively, which requires several specific skills and competencies. Sound knowledge of such competencies enables us to analyse and address complex conflict structures and dynamics. Three dynamics characterise protracted conflicts in the Caucasus: (1) the collective alienation and (self-)isolation of societies which cause shrinking spaces for dialogue over the divide; and (2) the narrow understanding of the complex conflict structures in Europe, and the need for new and innovative ideas for peaceful conflict transformation in the region; and (3) lack of young specialists dealing with the issues mentioned above in a professional manner. Last year’s Nagorno-Karabakh war and the ongoing tensions drastically demonstrate the need for sustained and professional conflict management in the region. One vital goal of the Corridors programme is to strengthen youth capacities to manage conflicts within their societies.

Therefore, the international Summer School aims to introduce the participants to the fundamentals of conflict analysis and peacebuilding. Moreover, we strive to train the participants on core competencies in the field of dialogue, mediation, and self-awareness. Finally, the one-week gathering offers 21 students and recent graduates the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from each other. To achieve these objectives, the Summer School combines lectures and interactive training in the field of formal and informal peace education by German as well as international practitioners and scholars. In addition to the capacity building components, we explore the beautiful nature of the Saale-Unstrut region and the rich culture of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Weimar in joint excursions and group activities.

The Summer School is organised by the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (FSU) and the non-profit organisation Corridors, together with additional international partners. The Chair for International Relations at FSU has a strong focus on the study of peace and conflict and of international organisations in conflict management. Corridors is a non-profit organisation that develops and implements joint education and capacity building projects for young people in protracted conflicts. Furthermore, Corridors facilitates dialogue and knowledge exchange between communities in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Europe. Thanks to funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), all workshoprelated costs, including travel, accommodation, excursions, and full board, are covered by the organizers.

This year’s Corridors Summer School is open to students and recent graduates from Armenia, Russia, Germany, and Georgia/Abkhazia with knowledge in political and social science, international relations, cultural studies, and neighbouring disciplines. The motivation and openness of the participants are more important than their academic background as we strive to bring together a diverse group. We ask all interested students and young graduates from Armenia, Russia, and Germany to send us a short application by 1 July 2021 latest. Participants from Georgia/Abkhazia will be selected through a different process. The application should include a brief letter of motivation (max one page) and a curriculum vitae. Please send your application to Christopher Brucker ( If you have further questions, please contact us. We continue to observe the pandemic situation in Europe closely and ensure that the event will be held in a safe and secure environment.

For further information
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Chair for International Relations
Corridors – Dialogue through Cooperation
http://www.opencorridors.deExternal link