Talks in between lectures

Interdisciplinary Studies

Talks in between lectures
Image: Rebecca Bück

Our programme offers multiple opportunities to individualise your profile. You can align your studies with your personal interests and thus maximise your chances on the job market.

Deepen your knowledge or broaden your horizon

Within Interdisciplinary Studies, you can choose classes in neighbouring disciplines that best fit your preferences. In the first and second semesters, we invite you to select classes from a broad menu of options. Topics covered by other University departments, like organisation theory and international financial organisations in Economics or the law of international organisations in Law, will deepen your knowledge of international organisations, while topics like peace ethics or climate change will deepen your knowledge on crisis management. Alternatively, you can broaden your horizon by attending classes that go beyond the focus of our Master programme, such as classes in Political Theory, American History or Balkan Studies.

If you are mobile, you might even attend classes at our partner universities close by: the University of Erfurt (one hour by train), Martin Luther University Halle (1.5 hrs) and the University of Leipzig (1.5 hrs). We have concluded agreements with them to allow you to attend classes there. Visiting these cities is great fun, by the way.

Disciplines to choose from

These are the Master programmes that other departments have agreed to make available to you:

  • Applied Ethics
  • Arabic Studies
  • Caucasus Studies
  • Economics
  • Intercultural Studies
  • (International) Law
  • North America Studies
  • Political Science (with Comparative Politics, European Studies, Political Theory and the Political System of Germany)

You can choose from about 30 modules. Please be aware that some of these modules are only offered in German. We are guests in other disciplines, which have their own rules and procedures. All the modules in our programme are taught in English only.


You will be able to choose from a list of pertinent and highly attractive modules we have prepared for you and regularly keep updated. Each head of department has agreed in principle to open her or his class to our students. You will find detailed explanations of their content in our module catalogue. Simply select the modules you are most interested in from the list and send a brief email to the according lecturer, asking for her or his willingness to enrol you in class. Please ensure that you contact the lecturer well in advance of the beginning of class. Attend the classes you need to complete a module, pass the exams and contact the IOCM Interdisciplinary Studies Coordinator to get the classes and the module recognised. If you are interested in taking more classes outside our programme, please contact the IOCM Interdisciplinary Studies Coordinator in advance to see whether that is possible.

IOCM Interdisciplinary Studies Coordinator
Lea Zuliani
Chair of International Relations
Department of Political Science, Room 4.43
Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link