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Student Council

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Image: FSR Jena

The Student Council of Political Science and Social Studies (FSR) is the elected representation of the interests of all students at our institute. This includes students of the Bachelor and Master courses in Political Science, Social Studies, and the Master course in International Organizations and Crisis Management.

The Student Council is constituted of over 20 voluntary members and the students’ elected representatives. The council works in different working groups to delegate all necessary tasks. Furthermore, they organize substantive and cultural events for the institute's students, work closely with the institute, and are members of all crucial committees the faculty has. In addition, the Student Council is the discreet and confidential contact address for problems with studies, teachers, the institute, or other university members.

If you have any questions regarding your studies or want to actively participate in the uni's policies, you can join the meetings and become part of them.

On their website, you can find all contact data, information about past events upcoming events, and an encyclopaedia that explains all critical FSU terminology.