IOCM Lecture Series: War in Gaza
Guest lectures on several aspects of the conflict
The MA program “International Organisations and Crisis Management” (IOCM) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena invites all students to the IOCM Lecture Series: War in Gaza.
The Chair of International Relations and the Chair of International Organizations are proud to present Jamie McGoldrick, Prof. Dr. James Gelvin, and Prof. Dr. Tom Dannenbaum as our guest lecturers. Each lecture covers a different aspect of the conflict. Please find the dates and times of the individual events on the poster below.
All lectures take place in Lecture Hall 3 (HS3, Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3). The guest speakers are joining us online. After each lecture, the audience will have the chance to ask questions.
IOCM Lecture Series: War in Gaza
Image: Sung Jin Park